Experiences & Opportunities

Experiences & Opportunities are meant to build your skills and résumé to create strong “story telling” for future interviews. These are hands on, real work situations and can be gained through internships, externships, volunteering, case studies, project work and more. These experiences can be added to your résumé to show employers your skills. Below are both on and off campus opportunities with NAU to start building your experience.

You can meet with an FCB Career Coach to brainstorm how to add your experiences to your résumé and to learn how to share these in an interview!

Have you had an experience you want to share? Please tell us about what you are doing!

Examples of experiential learning are:

An informational interview is an informal conversation, usually lasting 20-30 minutes, with a person working in a career field that interests you. It is not a job interview, and its purpose is not to find job openings. Rather, it’s a way to explore a given field, and it can also give you an opportunity to get an inside look at an organization where you may want to work in the future.

You may feel awkward reaching out to people you don’t know. However, most people actually enjoy taking a bit of time out of their day to reflect on their professional life and give advice to someone interested in their field.

Experience is experience, whether you were paid during it or not, so do not hesitate to speak to it on your résumé.  Aside from specific topics, you can also speak to the transferable skills honed in a college classroom setting such as time management, organization, leadership, and more.

Many courses at the FCB (and NAU) have simulation projects that have real world, hands-on learning that should be listed on your résumé. Additionally, courses such as MKT 494 (Strategic Marketing) and MKT 439 (Marketing Research), your group with meet with actual clients in our local community to develop a stategy and marketing plan to assit them in growing their business. Visit the FCB Career Develoment Office and meet with a Career Coach to assist you in getting these experiences on your résumé and learn how to discuss these in an interview!

The Fresh Connection (TFC) simulation offers a realistic business environment where supply chain management (SCM) tools can be applied but will not produce deterministic results.  As a member of a four person management team: taking on the roles of VP Sales, VP Operations, VP Supply Chain, and VP Purchasing, students learn that SCM decisions are interrelated, and that decision maker goals often conflict. Tasked with making typical supply-chain decisions in an attempt to improve their company’s supply chain performance, students learn that SCM techniques are useful but must be applied strategically and often need to be adapted to the particular business situation. The team with the best performance, as measured by ROI, will be declared the winner.

In addition to the student learning described above, students learn to work as a team to optimize a system (without coordination one student’s decision can negatively impact another student’s decisions). Students learn that decisions are interrelated and involve trade-offs. 

Upon successful completion of MGT 490C, Strategic Management, you will have developed several high-level skills. Please consider starting meaningful conversations with prospective employers by sharing details about course projects, as well as any specific skills you developed in the capstone course.

Strategic Management Business Simulation Capstone, Northern Arizona University          Spring 2021

Student Consultant

  • Case analysis used to identify business problems and potential solutions, as well as a business simulation.
  • Managed the corporate, competitive and functional strategies for a firm, including, identifying problem statements, selecting appropriate strategic trade-offs, and making specific decisions that will lead to long-term firm viability.   
  • Understanding of business planning, forecasting and monitoring of incremental success, and planning company strategy to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Use of external analytic tools, such as Porter’s Forces or industry value chain analysis, to identify competitive forces, industry structure, and market success factors. 
  • Use of internal analytic tools, including VRIO framework, firm value chain analysis, and stakeholder analysis, to identify the critical activities of firms
  • Experience working in a team environment with an understanding of the importance of team building, managing a culture, proper incentives and maintaining strategic control.
  • Ethical decision making, with an understanding of the importance of proper corporate governance mechanisms.

Student Consultant, <Enter Name of Client/Company on your résumé>

  • Collaborated with a team of students in MKT 494 (Strategic Marketing) to develop a strategic marketing plan for the client.
  • Utilized marketing analysis to develop strategic marketing recommendations and tactics in support of branding, marketing communications and social media to drive awareness and increase revenue.
  • Final recommendations presented to client senior management in both an oral presentation and business paper.

Student Consultant, <Enter Name of Client/Company on your résumé>

  • Collaborated with a team of students in MKT 439 (Marketing Research) to develop a marketing research plan for the client.
  • Plan included developing and fielding an online Qualtrics® survey to targeted respondents.
  • Data was analyzed with findings and recommendations presented to client senior management in both an oral presentation and business paper. 

Teaching assistants (TAs) are graduate students who help faculty with the delivery of courses. Roles and
responsibilities of TAs include, but are not limited to, grading, monitoring, proctoring exams, leading lab
and/or discussion sessions, offering office hour assistance to students, responding to student emails,
and performing clerical tasks associated with course instruction. Teaching assistants are supervised by
the course instructor who fully defines their roles and responsibilities.

Positions will be posted in Handshake each semester.

An SI Leader is a peer facilitator who facilitates 3 study sessions each week for students who are taking the course they support. The SI leader works with their Faculty Partner to identify patterns of difficulty for students taking the course and material/concepts that need to be emphasized at a given time.

IMPORTANT: An SI Leader is not an instructor or lecturer, but is, instead, a study-group facilitator. SI Leaders work closely with a faculty partner to ensure that SI study/review sessions are relevant, on-point, and tailored to meets the needs of students—all while utilizing an interactive model that promotes student-to-student engagement.  

SI Leader Responsibilities:

  • Attend and participate in SI Leader Orientation, which is part of the SI Leader job training course; SI Leader Orientation is a 2-day training that takes place on the weekend before the start of the fall and spring semesters. (Fall Semester: Orientation typically takes place on Friday & Saturday prior to the start of the semester; Spring semester: Orientation typically takes place on Saturday & Sunday prior to the start of the semester)
  • Attend and participate in additional SI Leader Job Training during the first semester as an SI Leader by attending nine 1-hour SI Leader job training classes on Monday evenings from 5:45-6:45PM; attendance in job training is required.
  • Attend designated class(es) regularly and assist in class as needed.
  • Hold three one-hour study sessions each week.
  • Interact and collaborate with Faculty Partner on a weekly basis.
  • Develop content and study skills materials to use in SI sessions; complete Session Plan Templates throughout the semester.
  • Plan and conduct a Week 1 SI Outreach event for students in the class you support; continue reaching out to students in creative ways throughout the semester—encouraging them to attend SI regularly.
  • Communicate proactively with SI Program staff and Faculty Partner and do so in a timely manner.
  • Maintain accurate attendance records.
  • · Attend SI Program meetings, professional development mentoring and training throughout the semester; submit Session Plans, Observations of a Returning SI Leader and Professional Development Reflections as scheduled.

To find out more about postions at the Academic Success Centers and to apply for a role, visit their website at:

Applications will be through Handshake.

At Northern Arizona University, students are given numerous opportunities to shape their experience and contribute to Lumberjack life. Whether you choose to run for an elected position, establish a new organization, or give back to your community, you have the opportunity to engage in shaping your Lumberjack experience. This is your opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills, learn about yourself and others, make connections and have fun.

NAU is home to more than 400 student organizations, meaning there are more than 400 opportunities for you to find other Lumberjacks who share your interests and passions.

Holding a formal leadership role by serving on the “Executive Committee” of your student organization can help you build transferable skills such as:

  • Leadership
  • Organization
  • Event Planning
  • Fundraising
  • Recruiting Members
  • Managing and Creating Content for Social Media
  • And much more!

Student competitions provide many opportunities for students, including, giving a platform for you to demonstratate your talent and to paractice/showcase your skills to potential employers. They represent effective ways of securing internships, scholarships, jobs and exposure to real-world issues.

Read this great article from the Top Universities blog on how to use competitions to lauch your career!

FCB Competitions Examples

Sales Competitions

Association for Supply Chain Management APICS Case Study Comp

Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF)

CAIED 7th Generation Business Plan Competition

CFA Global Investment Research Comp

DECA Competitions

MKT 497 (Sales Leadership Practicum)

  • Member of the NAU competitive sales team
  • Represented NAU in national and regional competitions
  • Competed in corporate sponsored internal competitions
  • <Appropriate standings at specific competitions>

Hackathons are programming events that last anywhere from 24 hours to one week. The purpose of a hackathon is a for a group of programmers to work together on a collaborative project. Most hackathons are competitions where several teams are competing to create prototypes that innovate on a theme or improve upon an existing project. 

From LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-should-students-participate-hackathons-liisa-koivisto/ (What a hackathon offers you?)

What hackathon offers you?

  • Challenges you to expand your comfort zone. If you want to learn programming or software design, hackathon is the place to push your skills to the next level.
  • Inspiring learning environment. If you usually learn at school or at home, hackathon is certainly a different and exciting place to learn.
  • Mentoring and support. There is help available for hackers, so you can ask for help and learn faster.
  • Better coding skills and motivation to improve them. At hackathon you can apply all what you have learned to real projects. This can even motivate you to try out new things such as new APIs before the hackathon.
  • Presentation skills. Pitching your newly born and unfinished idea and implementation to judges can be scary, but have the courage to do so and you will thank yourself later. It gets easier with practice and especially when you realize that your team wasn’t the only one to run out of time.
  • Networking. Meet like-minded people and find friends for future.
  • Working under pressure. Usually hackathons have a time limit from 24 to 48 hours which both inspires and challenges. This also might lead to lack of sleep which adds a new level of trickiness.
  • Teambuilding skills. You can build your team beforehand or find team members via organizer’s social channels before the hackathon. Hackathons often begin with a matchmaking event where you can also find team members. Or if you prefer you can also work alone.
  • Teamworking skills. Working with different people is the spice of hackathons. Use this possibility to improve your people skills.
  • An unforgettable experience. It might exhaust you, tire you, but also surprise you with hilarious moments and top-notch people. And you will definitely learn about yourself and the industry. It will be worth it.
  • Feeling of accomplishment. At hackathons you get things done because there is a deadline and aim. In one weekend you accomplish something and have a new case for your portfolio.
  • Improves your resume. Participating a hackathon is a must-thing to have on your resume if you want to land to a developer job.
  • Improves your recruitment possibilities. Recruiters are at hackathons and they are hunting.

Major League Hacking  – On going multiple dates mostly virtual

Solvestack: The Software Engineering Mentorship Program – Weekly Meet ups Virtual

Hackathon For Good – November 26-28, 2021 Virtual

DeveloperWeek November 8-17, 2021 Virtual

DevPost – List of Events

Codeslaw – 5 top Hackathon events


Micro-Internships are short-term, paid and unpaid, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. These projects enable you to demonstrate skills, explore career paths, and build their networks as you search for the right role. Unlike traditional internships, Micro-Internships can take place year-round, range from 10 to 40 hours of work, are completely remote, and students can complete multiple Micro-Internships.  

We have partnered with Parker Dewey and the Forage to provide opportunities to pursue a Micro-Internship

Students and employers have an opportunity to work with one another before committing to an internship or full-time role.

To find Micro Internship opportunities on our website, search the “Career Communities” and “Affinity/Identity” tabs and click on “Build Skills and Experience” to view all of the experiences.

  • Sign up for Volunteer Match and find opportunities in your community or around the country.
  • Interested in sustainability? Check out NAU Green programs for student groups, community programs, and campus initiatives to get involved with
  • Idealist.org is a PAID job and internship website for students looking for opportunities in not-for-profit companies. They also have volunteer opportunities around the world.
  • Volunteer with NAU’s Center for Service and Volunteerism.
  • AmeriCorps hires students to serve at over 30 agencies throughout Coconino County.
  • Develop communication and interpersonal skills by becoming a mentor.

Sometimes it takes thinking outside the box to find an internship opportunity that aligns with your interests and values, utilizes your strengths, and develops specific new skills. In addition to applying to posted positions, many students have had success creating an internship with an existing contact, or via direct outreach to an organization of interest.

Creating your own internship is about harnessing your existing skills, developing professional connections within your field of interest, and being persistent. Sometimes this is simply a matter of good timing, or consistent follow-up.

Contact a previous employer. Students regularly have success in creating an internship by connecting with previous part-time job employers and adding value to the organization based on first-hand knowledge of an organization’s needs and how they can apply their area of academic study

Research and connect with organizations in the industry or location in which you are hoping to work. Search for companies using Handshake, LinkedIn, Idealist.org, Glassdoor.com, the local Chamber of Commerce, professional association member organizations and other sites. It may be that an organization already has an internship program with established positions and objectives. If an organization does not have an established internship program, it may be possible to propose an internship or project-based experience.

The Career Contessa blog has excellent advice on how to create your own internship.